I spent some time today with a gal—also our babysitter—whom I’m discipling. And I’ve learned that this discipleship thing isn’t as scary as it sounds. We don’t have to have it all together to disciple someone, but just be willing to say, “Follow me while I follow Jesus.  But be ready for me to share with you where I have struggled.”

This afternoon, we hung out on my front porch and I asked her questions, sometimes invasive, about her new boyfriend. We established early on that my role in her life would be to help sharpen her and my questions might be hard, but they’d make her better.

We also agreed I’d hold her accountable. Today she told me she wants to be in God’s word before school as much as possible. So, for the next couple days (baby steps), I challenged to set her “bedtime alarm” feature on her iPhone to help her go to bed at a good time tonight and wake up 20 minutes earlier than usual tomorrow morning. Monday, she’ll start again. When we meet two weeks from now, she will tell me what she learned from Hebrews 3, the text she wanted to study.

There are lots of folks you know who want to be discipled, maybe your babysitter is one of them. Or someone who works with you or a neighbor or someone at church. I just asked this gal if she would like me to disciple her and she said, “Oh my gosh. I was just praying about that.”

Did I initially worry about the time commitment on my end? Yes. But she comes to my house while my boys are at school. I don’t clean up much, put makeup on or try to look cute.  I want her to see the real me. If I have an errand to run, she jumps in the car with me and we talk as we go.

I always start with, “So what’s going on with you?” I tell her I’ve been praying about her previous prayer requests and ask how all that’s going. And I vulnerably share where I too have struggled with what she’s walking through. I challenge her with scripture memory, time in God’s word, prayer, and the God-stuff I’m passionate about. She can take it or leave it, but I’ve asked her to at least try what I suggest before deciding against it. So far, she’s eating it up.

Who could benefit from the highs and lows God’s walked you through, or what you know about God and His word? Don’t think you’ve got to have it all together, just ask someone to follow you while you work to follow Jesus. You’ll make a mad difference in their life and give your life even more purpose.

As we bravely step out to multiply ourselves may those we disciple devote themselves to living life for the fame of God’s name and living life for Him alone. And then may they one day follow our lead and disciple others.

“And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also” (2 Timothy 2:2 ESV).